Woodlot Christian Preschool
25 Oakland Avenue
Tuckahoe, NY 10707 914-779-0368

Age Group
Kindergarten to 5th Grade
7:30 a.m -8:45 a.m
2:30 p.m- 5:30 p.m.
$12.00 per hour. Automatic 2 hour charge whether your child stays 15 minutes or an hour. Thereafter charges are accrued in 1/4 hour increments ($3.75).
School busing is available to and from Anne Hutchinson, Greenvale, and Waverly Schools

Our SACC -School Age Child Care Program is a before and after-school enrichment program designed to assist your child with their development in the areas of socializing, arts and crafts, sports, and academics. Your child will be required to wear a mask during afterschool sessions unless they can not medically tolerate one.
Homework Center
At our Homework Center, we have a high staff to student ratio to provide more instruction per student who need individual attention. Each child is given their own space at tables to work. We provide the necessary reference materials and resources such as age appropriate chapter books, dictionaries, thesaurus, encyclopedia as well as computers. Children can work independently or with the help of a teacher.
Indoor Games
Our school is well equipped with various learning and popular games such as Monopoly, cards, Guess Who, Jenga, Twister and more. Other large table games like basketball hoops, air hockey, foosball and a mini pool table are brought into the classroom as additional recreational activities.
Outdoor Playground
Children are allowed to go to the playground with staff supervision. Our playground includes a jungle gym with a slide, swings, trapeze bar, sand box, monkey bars and rock climbing wall. We also have two play houses, teeter totter helicopter/airplane, and various cars and play vehicles. An open field yard gives children an opportunity to play soccer, dodge ball and wiffle ball.
Contact Info
For more information, contact Rev. David Flores, Administrator/SACC Associate Director at 914-305-0485